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The Best Thing to Do is Give Them Away

By Tynekia Garrett, DC EcoWomen board member

The inspiring journalist and social activist Dorothy Day once said, “the best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.”

Nov. 27, 2018 is #GivingTuesday – the annual global movement and social media campaign designed to help individuals and organizations give back to their communities. What better thing to do with “the best things in life” you have to offer, than give back to your community?

For me, that means becoming more engaged with the DC EcoWomen board. As the Treasurer, I provide financial oversight for the DC Chapter of EcoWomen. In my role, I formulate future year budgets, balance current year budgets, and support board members in purchasing goods and services for EcoWomen events. This helps other women by supporting their hard work and dedication to providing quality programming to members.

Join DC EcoWomen in participating in #GivingTuesday. Collaborate with our organization.  Help empower women to become leaders for the environmental community. Our

hard-working board manages our organization of nearly 6,000 members and puts forward opportunities left and right! For the past 15 years, we’ve provided a space for women to share ideas and events that have focused on everything from professional development to outdoor activities and outings, to our signature EcoHour, which has featured environmental journalists and bloggers, and women leaders from local and national environmental groups and within government. We have much more in store for the new year too!

This #GivingTuesday, I invite you to give back in one of the following ways.

  1. Donate – DC EcoWomen is a not for profit organization that accepts donations through PayPal Giving Fund. There are no fees associated with giving and tax receipts are provided via email.

  2. Become a Member – We invite you to share and collaborate with DC EcoWomen by becoming a member and bringing your voice to one of our many events. Sign-up for our newsletter and community listserv for notifications of upcoming events.

  3. Blog Away – Interested in writing about environmental or women’s issues? Join our Blog Team and provide your voice to the DC EcoWomen platform. Send us a message on Facebook to get started.

  4. Raffle Time – DC EcoWomen is hosting its annual holiday party on Dec. 18, 2018. We are seeking non-monetary donations from businesses to raffle off to attendees at our holiday party. Proceeds from raffles will support DC EcoWomen future programming. Contact us on Facebook, if you’re interested in contributing.

All information for opportunities to get involved and donate are located on the website. I encourage you to join me in giving back the best you have to offer. While you’re at it, don’t forget to share how you’re giving back your best things in life. We’d love to know – tag @dcecowomen and #GivingTuesday!

Tynekia currently serves on the DC EcoWomen board as its Treasurer. She is also a Management and Program Analyst for the District Department of Forensic Sciences, where she manages budget and performance. She is proud to work for a public agency, where women are at the forefront of science. She speaks highly of the scientists, examiners, procurement staff, and the budget team that is comprised of a diverse group of women.



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