Winners of the 2012 Contest:
Women and the Environment: ‘Jill on the Turner River’ by Sarah Hackney
Photos of women exploring the natural (and urban) environment. These can include volunteer events, nature hikes, apple picking, farmer’s markets, etc.

Natural Landscapes: ‘Yellowstone’ by Kelly Richmond
Your most striking images of the interesting places you’ve traveled!

Conservation Photography: ‘Capetown, South Africa’ by Aneri Patel
Images capturing environmental degradation or injustices that could motivate eco-friendly behavior.

Visualizing DC: ‘Tulip Petal’ by Yumi Rydlun
This city is our home – Images that showcase all of the fun and interesting things that we do in this iconic area.

Thanks again to everyone who participated last year! Visit out Flickr Group to view more entries and start snapping photos for next year’s contest!