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International Women’s Day


Originally post on Redefining Eco, and reposted here with their permission. 

Every year on March 8, the United Nations declares it to be International Women’s Day.  Women’s rights activists use this day as a day of action, individual women use the day as a day to celebrate with close women friends, and the international community uses this day to highlight ‘women’s issues’ around the globe. Last year, we talked about how women and the environment intersect.

This year, one of the themes is “The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum.” (There are several themes put out by organizations.  This theme is put out  by, the organization that promotes all activities related to the day). 

While it may feel like the US political climate is not making any strides toward gender equality, I’m encouraged by the number of articles I’ve read lately that use the correct pronouns, or that highlight how awesome little girls are being in math and science.  I feel confident that girls are growing up today knowing that they can be leaders in whatever field they choose.  Whether it feels like it or not, we are gaining some momentum!

There are lots of ways that you can celebrate our women leaders this Friday!

  1. If you are in DC, you can head over to the DC Ecowomen’s Happy Hour.

  2. You attend a rally, or any of these 174 events in the US

  3. You can Join on the Bridge with Women for Women International

  4. You can read more about the history of International Women’s Day

  5. You can call the women you know and tell them how proud you are of them!

  6. You can gather your friends and celebrate the environment



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