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Ignition for Action: What Wildfires Teach Us


Sydney Rodman, CEO and founder of Green Revival, a wildfire mitigation company, shares how we can avoid another natural disaster and move forward in the climate movement 

Whether it’s the Maui wildfires, the LA wildfires, or the wildfires yet to come, I want to share a universal scientific equation about the ingredients and causes of wildfires. As misinformation, blame, and scapegoating are being spread, I want to share the truth to the best of my ability. It is ultra-important for the climate movement to stick to the truth to move forward in science-based actions.

In my opinion, this is the most important equation to understand the underpinnings of wildfires. 

Wildfires = Oxygen + Fuel + Spark of Heat

Oxygen: More oxygen means that a wildfire can burn hotter and faster. This ingredient increases the severity of a fire. The atmosphere is full of oxygen and human actions cannot fully remove oxygen from the atmosphere with any technology, nor would we want to. We cannot control the atmosphere to this scale, so oxygen is a constant in this equation, meaning human efforts are miniscule. It is important to mention that plants give us oxygen as part of the human-plant symbiosis. This creates a circular cause, as plants are not only the fuel in a wildfire, but the giver of oxygen. We aren’t going to kill every plant and organism that creates oxygen, so let’s talk about fuel.

Fuel: The Maui wildfires are believed to be largely fueled by invasive grasses. Invasive grass species pose a significant wildfire threat due to their fast growth, dryness and density. These grasses colonize (this is a scientific term) land and push out native species that help the balance of the ecosystem. The LA Palisades wildfire is unique because it  is an urban fire. Rural fires are much more prone to spreading than urban fires.

Both fires were not exclusively fueled, but highly exacerbated by invasive plants.  I have been warning about coastal California fires on countless podcasts as invasive plants love to colonize California coasts. One reason they colonize  coastal areas is because they have been introduced by ships landing along the coast.

To lessen the impact of wildfires, I suggest we lessen the fuel. This will not stop ignition but it will stop wildfires from spreading and from becoming uncontrollable. According to the California Invasive Plant Council, there are 215 invasive plant species identified as current threats in California. One species, the Yellow starthistle, is estimated to cover 15-25% of all land in California. Also, forests haven’t changed as much as the spread of invasive plants. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to prevent coastal California wildfires is to target invasive plants.

Remember from chemistry class:

Combustible Fuel + O2 (Oxygen) → CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) + H2O (Water)

The → can be substituted for a =

We can reduce carbon dioxide by reducing excess fuel. Having the right incentives, along with an understanding of each type of fuel will inform how the land is managed. My company, Green Revival, works to reduce fuel by utilizing hundreds of invasive plant species to make green energy, materials, and chemicals. Some examples of what we make are hydrogen for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations and construction materials. This creates embodied carbon rather than releasing it into the atmosphere from decomposition or combustion. Temperature increases and increases of carbon in parts per million (PPM) in the atmosphere also play a role in increasing fuel availability. 

Spark of Heat: The origin of a wildfire can be traced to lightning strikes, campfires, discarded cigarettes, power lines, and other uncontrollable events. We cannot eradicate sparks but we can only ignite our next move to be more effective and bring together communities to rise above the ashes.

To prevent wildfires, we need to focus on rewilding our land. 

Green Revival’s Work and How We Move Forward:

Now that I have laid the groundwork for understanding the main causes of wildfires, I want to explain how my company innovatively tackles the root cause of wildfires. By weeding out the causes of wildfires, biodiversity collapse and a plethora of other symptoms of environmental disaster, Green Revival promotes a circular economy solution by creating products of economic and environmental value. Some states in the USA have around 43% invasive plant coverage. This number is growing as the spread far outpaces removal. We have a big opportunity to put purpose to the plants and accelerate the creation of green solutions that prioritize sustainable sourcing. 

Across the World: Green Revival in Africa

I will be going to East Africa this month to help a UN funded project aimed at tackling invasive plant proliferation. This land is part of The Great Green Wall and my job will also be to make suggestions for the best uses to help advance economic opportunities. Almost every country has a need to increase their land management. Stay tuned to hear more about my trip. I will disclose the country after I get back!

To learn more about my company, Green Revival, check out my website:

You can follow my company’s progress, or reach out to me via LinkedIn:

I shared this message on the LinkedIn platform of Kristi Drutman, an influencer. Kristy Drutman on LinkedIn: Important conversation about the need for better land management to avoid… 



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