By Tara Lundy, DC EcoWomen member

We all know how important the health of our planet has become. Each year, startling statistics are coming out about the rise of ocean levels, the amount of pollution and number of animals suffering from climate change. With the Earth needing us to be on its side more than ever, it’s so important to keep inspiring others to get involved. It can be easy for us to get caught up in our own worlds but helping to make a difference in our Earth’s health should continue to be a top priority.

Use Social Media for Good
There’s no doubt that social media has its fair share of good and bad, but when using social media to inspire change, it can be an amazing tool. Simply retweeting a tweet or using the right hashtag can yield extraordinary results and help make a difference. If there’s an eco-friendly campaign going on that you feel passionate about, don’t be afraid to share the information with your own followers. Not only will this help reach people around your community, but it could reach your other followers who may live in different areas. If you want to learn more about how you can continue to help, simply searching a hashtag such as #Gogreen or #Zerowaste can give you ideas and inspiration for living a greener lifestyle.

Encourage Others to Invest in Healthier Options
One of the biggest ways that you can help make change happen is by inspiring change with your peers. By no means does this mean you have to preach your viewpoints on others, but if you feel like a close friend or family member is interested in helping the environment, don’t be afraid to give them some helpful advice. The best pieces of advice to give are the ones that can be easily applied. Being sustainable is something that you can gradually apply within your lifestyle. Buying locally is also an easy suggestion, especially with farmers markets about to be in full force come peak crop season. Buy from companies that share an eco-friendly mission. Simply supporting a company who specializes in making eco-friendly hair color is enough to help make a meaningful difference. You’ll find through your search that these kinds of companies come in all forms, from clothing brands to food companies to cleaning products.

Keep the Education Going
Knowledge is key. With changes constantly occurring, we have to stay mindful of what’s continuing to go on in the world. While you may find yourself completely up to date, others may not. There are ways that we can continue to educate others that can be inclusive but also fun. One of the easiest ways is through a continuous cycle of sharing important information such as articles and videos on your social media channels. Since our younger years are our most formative ones, it’s important that our children grow up with knowledge of what’s currently happening with the environment. We can continue to help bring environmental awareness to our future leaders through environmental educational books and TV shows.
If you’re looking for more interactive environmental activities, a great idea is to take people to the zoo. This will give you a chance to take in some beautiful animals and absorb information on how these animals need a healthy amount of biodiversity to continue thriving.

Continue to Help Single-Handedly
At the end of the day, the person who can be held most accountable is you. While encouraging others to get involved is always a wonderful idea, the person who can most easily help to make a difference is yourself. Continue to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices such as picking up a piece of trash on the side of the road or drinking out of a reusable water bottle. No matter how small these actions may seem initially, doing things like this in your daily life can be enough to help make a change and inspire the people around you to make eco-friendly decisions as well.
No matter what eco-friendly lifestyle choices you make, continuing to fight for the environment is the greatest way to keep inspiring change and make a meaningful difference. Let us know how you continue to inspire change for the environment in your comments below!
Tara is a DC EcoWomen member who is a Colorado native. She is passionate about fighting for for the environment along with animal rights. When she’s not writing, she’s taking her dogs for hikes and visiting the local aquarium.
Photo 1 by Ross Findon on Unsplash; Photo 2 by William Iven on Unsplash; Photo 3 by Brooke Lark on Unsplash; Photo 4 by Ben White on Unsplash; Photo 5 by Pawe? Czerwi?ski on Unsplash