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Book Club: Eating Animals, Jonathan Safran Foer (July 13)

The Book Club eco-mmunity will be discussing Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer this month. Feel free to attend even if you haven’t read or finished the book!

“Like many others, Jonathan Safran Foer spent his teenage and college years oscillating between omnivore and vegetarian. But on the brink of fatherhood….his casual questioning took on an urgency. This quest ultimately required him to visit factory farms in the middle of the night, dissect the emotional ingredients of meals from his childhood, and probe some of his most primal instincts about right and wrong.”

Find out more by visiting:


Wednesday, July 13th; 6:30-8:00 p.m.


Teaism in Penn Quarter (at whatever table is available and big enough for chatting)

Questions? Comments?

Please email Amanda Stone at Also, there may be an opening in book club leadership. If anyone is interested and wants to discuss, please contact Amanda!

On deck…

Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes? on Wednesday, Sept 14 at Teaism in Penn Quarter.



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